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be familiar ...
当前位置:首页 单词大全 be fam...

I am not familiar with chemical terms.


He is conversant with all the rules.


He is familiar with Chinese ancient history.


His familiarity with many strange languages surprised us all.


An army commander must be skilled in tactics.


I wish I could be a master of this subject.


be familiar with hull structure, inspection procedure and rules.

熟悉船体结构, 检测程序和验收规范.

You can't understand and be familiar with all the market all of the time.


be familiar with the robot ( automotive assembly ) production line. Good with hands, staidness, carefulness, good patience.

熟悉机器人 ( 自动装配线 ) 生产, 动手能力强, 工作认真 、 仔细, 有耐心.

To be familiar with Service Charge Points allocated to entitled employees.


It is of importance to be familiar with Chinese & English version.


Bidders must be familiar with Garden Design Software.


be familiar with liquid material handling system, such as pumps, tanks and pipes.

对流体物料输送处理体系非常熟悉, 包括泵 、 罐、管道等.

be familiar with sheet product quality inspection rules as well as sheet product packing standards.


More than 3 years working experience. be familiar with purchasing work, especial indirect material.

三年以上工作经验. 熟悉采购工作, 尤其是间接物料.

be familiar with market information and sources of supplies.


All these, the wind decided to vote must be familiar with techniques.

以上种种, 决定了风投必须深谙技巧.

be familiar with operation procedure regarding sea & air freight, customs clear, logistic, transportation and stock.

对进出口货物海洋运输 或 空运, 进行报关, 物流 、 运输、仓储等环节的建设及管理.

be familiar with mechanical structure and hydraulic system principle. Be Skillful in mechanical and hydraulic troubleshooting.

熟悉机械和液压系统原理, 可熟练处理机械和液压故障.

be familiar with CAS and FO techniques and procedures, as described on the next page.

熟悉下一章要介绍到的CAS和FO( 前线观测员)的技术和程序.

Therefore the human will have at any time the pressure, I will already be familiar with.

因此,人在任何时候都会有压力, 我早已习惯.

be familiar with Nation standard. be familiar with market material price, and calculate costs.

熟悉国家标准. 熟悉市场材料价格, 并会计算成本.

For Flow Product Sales, candidate must be familiar with petrochemical, chemical, power, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

对于流量产品方面的销售, 应聘者必须非常熟悉石化, 化学, 电力, 制药和生物行业.

For those of you who may not be familiar with fundamental analysis, let me explain.

如果你不了解基本面分析, 请让我来解释.

Staffers, managers and advanced supervisors who want to be familiar with giving speeches.

希望掌握讲演技能的企业职员 、 经理以及高级管理者.

be familiar with internal control's theory method.


The candidates should be familiar with decoration construction flow and market prices of various decoration materials.


be familiar with plastic product specification and qualification.


be familiar with government environment, health and safety requirement.

熟悉政府的环境 、 健康与安全的相关要求.

Everyone must be familiar with the old favourite among roses, Crystal Palace.


He does not seem to be familiar with research which might have strengthened his own arguments.


His fans would already be familiar with Caroline.


"be familiar with"的基本信息





